Sunday, October 29, 2017

Taking up my identity as PhD student again...

There's so many things going on nowadays that I just might forget that I am doing my PhD. I am someone with a great sense of responsibility, so I don't often neglect my commitments for long and when I have relegated one to the side, there's always a nagging voice within to pick it back up again.

So I think today is the day that I resume full responsibility for my PhD studies, including facing fears of the unknown, meeting people, and reading up on things, and being a true-thinker-scholar. I am no longer going to give excuses that I'm not that kind of scholar (not keen on politics etc) or that kind of person (not extroverted etc).

I will be whoever I need to be for the next 3-4 years to get my PhD completed. (And watch my life expand.)

I think it is my responsibility as a training scholar to take scholarship and knowledge seriously. And that for me would include world events and news and history. I hope to be well read in terms of context and all.

Yesterday I was watching some YouTube videos about Catalonia and yes, I think that kind of direction is what I need to take. To give myself a broad base of learning and knowledge so I can build my scholarship upon a solid foundation.

So last week I closed a writing chapter. This week I will open a reading one. I am going to be a reader. Read widely, think deeply.

And I will plan when I want to do my confirmation. I will plan some deadlines into my schedule. And I will meet them. This way, I will be moving forward.

Watch this space!

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