Sunday, May 20, 2007


I'm wondering if this is the write place to start this writing blog. Because there's a link to my blog that is "private" where I spew my most privatest of thoughts, hoping no one but my best friend and God above can see it. So I'm considering. But let the pilot project begin here! :)

What do you think of the background music? :)

Hanes and I did it together.It's for a module in school. It's actually a song that can be sung to, except for the middle part in the midi that is different from my song.

I am asking Xinying to write a letter to the Straits Times Forum. I think one reason is to really inform the public, another is that to prevent my pride from overwelling up (you cannot imagine the type of pride that can develop from seeing your letter published, so I'm learning to be humble), and the vision to see more people write in to places where their writing can exert influential presence.

Because as light of the world, we really ought to be impacting the minds of people in one way or another to think like Jesus. Romans 4:8

Ought to be relevant and show public spiritedness as well. I hate the feeling of being cheated by someone. I don't wish other kind-hearted, innocent, trusting Singaporean (or people from any other nations) be metted out such treatment either.

Ought to show interest in current and public affairs?

Ought to let their views be known?

You know, I feel strongly for the responsibility of the journalist. The newspaper is a very trustsworthy source of opinions and facts. I'm sure there are many out there who are like me, and trust what we read. From homeotherapy to homosexuality, casinos to conservation, we seek the views of these writers and if they're good and acceptable, make them our own. So the writer really has great influence.

Imagine one who can positively influence the readers. That'll impact Singapore and the world beyond :)

So the purpose of this blog is to chart my writing process.

Honestly, I don't write very well. And I know it from how much editing and correcting goes into every piece of writing that I churn out. But I enjoy it and believe that it is a vessel, channel and tool that is very useful for communication of ideas and truths.

Even the bible is in a form of writing, a book.

So I'll begin filling my thoughts and ideas in this blog!