Monday, November 6, 2017

Dipping and the Deep Dive into Research

I notice stages in my personal experience of research. Usually it begins slowly, like a sampling of literature until you get a taste of the field, and slowly but surely, you start to form a map or bigger picture... It is still sketchy, but I feel like I'm on an exponential curve...

The more I read, the more I know, the more excited I become. It's like I slowly dip my feet into the waters, and then I immerse myself and then I make a duck dive and dive deep into the research.

It is very satisfying. Almost like the more you know, the more convicted you are of the purpose and importance of your research. It's like solving a puzzle and putting together pieces of the jigsaw puzzle.

Gosh... I always make doing a PhD sound like so much fun, don't I?

I'm just starting out and far from consolidating my ideas and all but just thought of celebrating this very moment where I feel free and good about my research.

Excited. :)

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