Wednesday, September 17, 2008

*The "isness" of things is well worth studying, but it is the "whyness" of things which makes life interesting!* (William Beebe)

I saw this in one of the old thesis at the library of the RMBR. :)

I think it's beautiful to start your thesis with a quote. How true. I may know your name, but why your parents gave it to you is more interesting. I may know this and that but why is it this and that makes it interesting. Don't be afraid to think. Take time to think. :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

自从之从进如大学后,我使用华语的机会很少。大多数的朋友都利用英语沟通。本来想读一些华文课程,但胆量不够大。*叹气* 现在有了MAC,在电脑写华语字似乎容易多了。有空时不如来这儿和自己聊聊几句吧。:)