Sunday, October 8, 2017

Re-reading old articles

I used to hear this a lot in church and often experience it myself, where you read the same bible passage at different times and hear it speaking different things to you (in other words, you are interpreting it in different ways). They say that is the power of the Word.

Something similar happens in academia. I am re-reading articles I had to read in the past to write my Masters work. But I am reading them in new ways because of my new research questions and directions. So I am looking at different sections of the old papers as relevant to me and I am re-interpreting old passages that once had a certain meaning to me, but today mean something else.

Gosh and we were once afraid it was possible for two people to write a similar thesis?

It is hard for the same person at different stage of his research to even look at the same thing in the same way. I would go so far as to say it's possible for the same person to read the same materials and write two different theses from different lens or approaches.

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