Thursday, August 11, 2016

Accidental Opportunities

I am sometimes asked to do things that are beyond me. The imposter syndrome kicks in and I tell myself, “They only picked you because no one else wants to do it.” I told a friend about it and he told me that everyone needs such lucky breaks, every genius begins through accidents like these, as the beginner can hardly suppose to deserve them.

I felt so comforted by that. Yes, I got that opportunity to organize a conference, write a book review, speak on a plenary, and perhaps publish a few articles, maybe by chance and by being thick-skin and gung-ho enough to grasp and not let go of what comes my way.

I may not be the most erudite, eloquent, or sophisticated, but I am an amateur who values any opportunity to learn and grow. So there is my place among the learned. I may not have answers, but there I take my place with asking questions.

I will find my voice in grad school. :)

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