Sunday, March 8, 2015

New Manuscript to Revise

I submitted this article in December...

Now it's March, and I'm reading it with a cringe again. It's amazing how much an individual grows in the span of 2 - 3 months.

So with this perspective, let me welcome those three reviewers comments with great delight! Because, remember, Shuyi, it's not about publishing many! But it's about publishing something worthwhile and impactful and helpful for society. With this is mind, it's alright if it takes a longer time to get something published, so long when it does get published, it is of a quality beneficial to those who will read it, rather than cause others to cringe as I have.

M pointed out to me that the feedback was "thoughtfully and professionally delivered" and "the quality of the feedback is very good" as it was "thorough and specific" and "further, they have acknowledged the good work you have put, and with specifics too."

M's comments made me went back to the feedback and read the strengths of the articles. As a typical Chinese, I normally ignore praises and fixate my eyes on criticisms. But I shall change this too and receive with gladness these positive feedback before I zoom into the areas for improvements.

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