Sunday, March 8, 2015

How to receive feedback of reviewers objectively?

1. Remind yourself that your best efforts are only "best" at the time you submit that manuscript, and you would have new views by the time you are ready to revise it.

2. Remind yourself that your mind is limited. No matter how many times you might have checked your work, you will have blind spots. And the reviewers' role is to serve as the person to point out the blind spots in your writing and thinking.

3. Know that the job of the reviewer is to be expert readers so their objective is to make your manuscript better. It is to your advantage that any work of yours which gets published is of very high quality. Your reputation is at stake! So be grateful for people who check your work and give suggestions to make it better.

4. Remind yourself that the main goal is not publication, but publication of high quality. It is better to have a few impactful works than many poorly written pieces.

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