Monday, September 15, 2014

The means to the end

One factor hindering research is the overemphasis on the end product rather than the process. This sounds very cliche but I noticed I put less attention and care on the quality of thinking and decisions I make in the research when my concern is merely on completing a task. Because when I focus on completing it, I somehow think within me that the means does not matter, so long I can produce the end product.

But such a way of thinking is so detrimental to the research process, because what readers and scholars will question is often not merely the end product but how you got there. Everything from the sources you referred to the methodological method you chose will be scrutinized, even if your end product is nice, they will ask if it's credible and reliable.

So I'm going back to the basics. I am picking up Glaser and Strauss's book to learn what exactly is "Grounded Theory". I want to use this method to analyze my data and I want to do it rightly so.

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