Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"New knowledge builds on existing knowledge, so each article must link fairly quickly with material that has already been published, and then add to it by extending, challenging or transforming some aspect of it." (page 3)

"By and large, the best route follows two simple principles: have something worthwhile to say, and say it well." (3)

"... communicating, reporting discoveries and findings, sharing insights, and learning from others are indispensible elements of scholarship." (4)

"Finally, publication is FUN if approached properly. A lot of personal satisfaction flows form it." (5)

"For each manuscript you plan, set yourself a target date for completing the first draft, and stick to it. After this first draft is finished, begin the process of refining it. Even accomplished researchers find that their manuscripts often need cycle after cycle of reworking and polishing before being ready to submit to journal." (6)

"The assessment of a manuscript for a journal article is essentially about whether its scholarly significance is such as to justify wide dissemination." (8)

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