Saturday, May 5, 2018

That piece of work...

No one can convince me that writing a 50 page single-sided document proposing a study that one wants to do is an easy feat. Writing that document takes months of thinking, months of reading and collecting of relevant data and information, months of speaking to people about it, considering possibilities, speaking to potential research participants, other scholars, your supervisor, your friends... It takes more than a scholarly mind but a meticulous planner who attends to details, yet who has to also keep the big picture in mind. It takes guts to face your fears and insecurities in the process of creating something new in this PhD, wherever they lie, whether in your own intelligence or scholarly skills or your social and marketing skills.

That 23,597 words did not come by fluke. It did not just appear. You worked hard on it over a period of months, and for some, years! Yes, it can be improved, and people are going to give you feedback to improve it. But, you, never belittle that work that you've done or allow people to shred it to pieces. It did not just mysteriously appear. It appeared because you invested time, energy, hard work, blood, and tears into it.

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