Friday, September 23, 2016

Major Revisions and Random Thoughts

It took 9 months to get back my manuscript with reviewer feedback. Again, I got to do major revisions. But this time, I was less upset, less afraid, than I had been in the past.

Something has fundamentally shifted in me as a person. I am changing and becoming more and more like who I really am inside.

I wonder how is this going to affect my writing? Will I become a more confident writer?

I must update you about the Q-method conference soon. Yes, that conference that I sort of carved my own way into it. I read up about the method, find a means to collect data, to write an abstract, and subsequently got my tickets, ended up in New Orleans, presented, got more feedback, fell in love with the methodology (and the community), and yes, back in Singapore still somewhat infatuated.

It's like what I always believe research to be... I used to always want to be a researcher, but an independent one, who studies anything she wants, just because it's interesting to her.

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