Tuesday, December 9, 2014


I know this sounds a little silly but the emotions I feel are real.

I'm reading a second edition of a book. I also bought the first edition. The first edition was written by a mentor and his mentee. The second edition, which was written after the mentor had died, was revised by the mentee, BUT, the mentor's name was removed and she became the sole author.

I feel upset because I felt the mentor wrote much better but what the mentee seems to have done was to pad up what the mentor had written, a lot of times still using similar words, I assumed his words, to obscure the message and YET she removed his name.

I am making a lot of assumptions and judgments that may not be true, but what I described is actually what I felt happened. I feel tormented, I mean conflicted, because I find that the older book was much better written, concise and clear and to the point, yet it is of an older version and I should be reading the newer one.

One of those daily struggles I face as a researcher... It's a small thing right? But it bothers me...

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