Sunday, October 12, 2014


I was just flipping through the first two drafts of the paper that was finally published. The first one was really bad and heavily critiqued by my supervisor. The second one was poorly written, a mouthful, also heavily edited. But this was the one we sent out. That was some time in May. It was forgotten. Until July, the editor got back with the reviewers' comments. They were all extremely kind and nice in how they first praised me before they put in the criticism. But that being my first time having work critiqued by experts, I did not take too well to it. I emailed M to share how I felt. And I took a few days, even a week before I could face the feedback objectively. I struggled to not acquiesce to the comments but to maintain what I wanted to say as well. I finally got something out. And my friend who is working on his political science phd read my work and gave me very good feedback. After working on this, supervisor went through and tightened it. And I sent it out again in September. Three weeks later, my supervisor taught me to email to ask about it. And a few days later the editors replied to say it was well received by the reviewer and accepted and so happened to be in time for the next issue.

That was my publishing journey. If you asked me, I say it was a miracle, a gift from God. So many people had their hands in it to make it even possible. That God surrounded me with so many good people, I am grateful. 

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