Friday, July 13, 2018


I am grateful that I have a team of intelligent and kind researchers that work on my project with me. They say all PhD students go through slumps and downtime and perhaps many get into a rut because there was no one there to help them out or lift them up. But during my downest moments, where I was stretched paper thin, I had a team who continued to collect data, very good data... The project did not stall because of one student's failure to keep up, but it continued on because others helped out as they could.

A part of me feels ashamed that I did not collect all the data myself, but as B has told me, when good things happen to me, rather than feel guilt, why not feel gratitude? I am grateful that even as a small PhD student, I have a taste of working with an experienced and very qualified team to collect the best data we can. Now, it is time for me to process this data, and I shall do so with gratitude.

I will process it the best we can, make the best use of the data we can collected together, such that we can reveal the best truth and story from these data and write a report that may spark insights into the education system in Singapore and the meanings teacher make of citizenship education.

But more than that, I wish everybody will have fun, doing what we do, learning and studying together, figuring and pondering together.

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