Thursday, October 1, 2015

Vexing questions, real dilemmas and new territories

"It is a mistake to imagine that writers are experts on the things they write about - at least, it is a mistake in my case! I write about things I am still wrestling with, things that are important to me but that I have not yet figured out. Once I master something, I put it behind me. I lose the passionate curiosity that writing a book requires. I write to explore vexing questions and real dilemmas, to take myself into territories I have never seen before in hopes of understanding myself and the world a bit better." - Parker Palmer, Preface of The Active Life: A Spirituality of Work, Creativity, and Caring, 1999
This resonates with how I feel research writing is about, it is like trying to resolve a mystery for myself. Some big cosmic puzzle is troubling me, and I keep trying to find answers for it, and as I seek the truth, I share it with others. There is no pressure to prove something, I am simply exploring, and so there's no fear of arguments against mine...

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