Thursday, May 7, 2015

Where I am now...

I felt very flattered to be asked to do a book review. My boss told me they usually get grad students to do it because we are familiar with the surrounding literature and perhaps we are poor, so we need that free book. While it's true, I could be better spending my time writing more, I was very excited about this opportunity. Because I've learnt from my writing partner the importance of reading.

We cannot critique fairly, unless we first understand what the writer is meaning to say. And in my hurry to write, I may not read very carefully. Sometimes, I even read for what I want and after grabbing that information, I may not return to that article/book. So what I hope to do is to read carefully, and first understand, before making a judgment.

This was why I was so excited about the Book Review. Though technically, the rewards it might give me is merely intrinsic and not extrinsic. :) I don't mind, if I pick up the skill of understanding and critique.

I also want to write another paper from my Masters thesis, taking another angle. I hope third time writing, it might be a smoother and more logical and coherent process. 

This will be a busy period. Cause we are also organizing a conference from 2-4 June. Let's see how things go. 

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