Friday, April 3, 2015

Holy Manuscript

My supervisor told me that the manuscript we are working on is special. We first submitted it on Christmas. And we are now targeting Easter.

Honestly, I didn't even this of this.

This fact has caused me more guilt than glee.

I've been working through my holy festivals... And you know, writing is hard work. Especially for someone like me, where it doesn't come easy and polished. You know the amount of effort I have to exert? (But writers of how to write books tend to say that it's like that for most people... If you need encouragement, hope my example encourages you, I'm not one of those who write technical scripts easily.)

I only can pray now for God's mercy on me and His help. It's not exactly a situation I want to be in. And this weekend is not exactly a very free weekend either. And also, I remind myself, dedicate this paper to Him.

I wanted to dedicated it to LKY, who just passed away on the 23rd of March. After all, this paper is about Singapore, who according to popular perception, LKY built. Dedicate, as in, let the remembrance of this individual drive my writing.

But, I think the guy that really loves me and really knows me, is not LKY, but Jesus. Jesus knew Man intimately and each one is dear to Him. LKY only knew some of his loved ones, most of his Singaporeans are probably abstract to him, only some are concrete... But Jesus, knows each one of His human beings in a concrete fashion. :)

So yes, I'm not in a nice or comfortable position, but I will make the best of it.

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